
Simple & transparent pricing. Start for free, upgrade as you grow.


Get first reviews for small projects

$0 /mo

  • Claim your username

  • Single project

  • Review collection form

  • 10 text reviews

  • 1 video review

  • Basic videos & images

  • Basic media hosting


Get more reviews to grow your project

$12 /mo

  • Claim your username

  • Single project

  • Review collection form

  • Unlimited text reviews

  • 5 video reviews

  • All components

  • Optimized videos & images

  • Fast, global media hosting


Let us know your requirements


  • Claim your username

  • Multiple projects

  • Review collection form

  • Unlimited text reviews

  • Unlimited video reviews

  • All components

  • Optimized videos & images

  • Fast, global media hosting

  • Dedicated support

Frequently asked questions

If you're stuck with anything or want to give feedback (thank you!), you can always reach out to me directly at or on discord where my username is 'josch5905'.